set Sample Rate

Set the sample rate for audio recording and playback.


While recording, the sample rate determines how many audio “samples”, or moments in time, of sound are recorded each second. If the sample rate is set to 1000, then only 1000 moments of sound are recorded during a second. The higher the sample rate, the closer to the actual natural sound the playback will be. However, if a high sample rate is used, the audio buffer will have less duration of time for sound because more samples are used per second.

When playing back, the sample rate sets the speed at which the sound is taken from the audio buffer and sent to the speaker or sound output pin. If the audio in the buffer was recorded at 11000 samples per second but the current sample rate is set at 22000, the playback of the audio is twice as fast as it was recorded and it will sound different. The sound will play slower that the recorded sound if the playback sample rate is set to 550 before playing the audio back.


  • hz: the number of samples per second for recording or playback.
  • scope: an optional operation scope for the sample rate.
    • everything: (default) set the same sample rate for both recording and playback.
    • playback: set the sample rate only for audio playback.
    • recording: set the sample rate only for audio recording.


Record audio at 22000 samples per second but play it back at 11000 samples per second.

record.setSampleRate(22000, record.AudioSampleRateScope.Recording)
record.setSampleRate(11000, record.AudioSampleRateScope.Playback)
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {

See also

start recording, play audio
