Name Badge
Make yourself known with a fancy name badge powered by your micro:bit!
First, let’s get your name to display on the screen.
Button press
From the Input Toolbox drawer, drag an on button A pressed block onto the Workspace.
Show a string
From the Basic Toolbox drawer drag a show string block into the on button A pressed block.
Show my name
In the show string block, type your name.
input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
basic.showString("My Name")
Test the badge
Go to the simulator and test your name badge by pressing button A.
Download the program to your micro:bit:
- Make sure your micro:bit is plugged into the computer.
- Click the button.
Now that you have your name showing on the micro:bit, let’s make a proper badge to wear and display it on.
Cut out a badge shape from a piece of colored construction paper.
Loop a piece of duct tape and stick it on the back of your micro:bit.
Stick your micro:bit onto the front of your badge.
Using a hole-punch, punch out 2 holes in the top of your badge.
Attach the battery pack to the micro:bit.
Tape battery pack onto the back of the badge.
Thread a shoelace through the top 2 holes of your badge.
Tie a knot at the end of your shoelace
Decorate your badge with colored paper, markers, stickers, glitter.
It’s now finished! your badge is ready let others know who you are.