set Mic Gain

Set the sensitivity for the microphone to detect and record sounds.


The microphone will detect sounds at a certain loudness level. You can decide if you want to record only loud sounds or quieter sounds too by setting the microphone gain.

Setting the microphone to low sensitivity will make the microphone pick up louder sounds. Setting the microphone to high sensitivity will make the microphone pick up all sorts of noise that you might not hear!


  • gain: the sensitivity level for the microphone to detect and record sounds.
    • low: set the gain level to detect only loud sounds.
    • medium set the gain level to detect most sounds.
    • high: set the gain level to detect quiet and loud sounds.


Use buttons A and B to record and play audio. Set the microphone gain to low so that only loud sounds are recorded.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {

See also

start recording
