play Until Done

Play a sound expression until it finishes.


A sound expression is a preformatted set of tones that create a certain sound. There are several sounds to choose from. The sound is started and your program waits until the sound stops playing.

works with micro:bit V2 only image

This block requires the micro:bit V2 hardware. If you use this block with a micro:bit v1 board, you will see the 927 error code on the screen.


In blocks, the sound is selected from the list in the ||music:play sound until done|| block.


When coding in JavaScript or Python, the sound is a soundExpression object which from which you run the playUntilDone() function from. For example, to play the soaring sound, select soaring from the soundExpression namespace and run playUntilDone():



Play the twinkle sound on the speaker and wait until it finishes.

basic.showString("twinkle has stopped")

See also
