play Sound Effect

Play a sound that is generated from a sound expression.

music.playSoundEffect("", SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone)

This will play a Sound object created from a sound expression. The sound will play for the duration that was set in the sound expression. The sound can play on the speaker or at a pin that is set for sound output.

You can also play built-in sound effects like giggle, happy, or twinkle.

Your program can wait for the sound to finish before it runs its next step. To do this, set the play mode to until done. Otherwise, use background for the program to continue immediately after the sound starts.

Works with micro:bit V2

works with micro:bit V2 only image

This block requires the micro:bit V2 hardware. If you use this block with a micro:bit v1 board, you will see the 927 error code on the screen.


  • sound: a string that is the sound expression for the sound you want to play.
  • mode: the play mode for the sound, either until done or background.


Simple waveform sound

Play the sound effect from a sine wave sound expression for 1 second.

music.playSoundEffect(music.createSoundEffect(WaveShape.Sine, 2000, 0, 1023, 0, 1000, SoundExpressionEffect.None, InterpolationCurve.Linear), SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone)

Complex waveform sound

Play a triangle wave sound effect with vibrato and a curve interpolation.

    ), SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone)

Built-in sounds

Play the giggle built-in sound effect until it finishes.

music.playSoundEffect(music.builtinSoundEffect(soundExpression.giggle), SoundExpressionPlayMode.UntilDone)

See also

create sound effect, built-in sound effect, set built in speaker enabled, analog set pitch pin