Radio and Communication

Combo Box Example

This lesson covers the use of more than one micro:bit to share and combine data. You will send and receive numbers and strings in a series of guided activities, then create a project that makes use of the micro:bit’s powerful Radio blocks.

Please note that this lesson is centered around the micro:bit’s communication capabilities, so testing the code in this lesson will require two micro:bits.

Lesson objectives

You will…

  • Understand how to use the Radio blocks to send and receive data between micro:bits
  • Understand the specific types of data that can be sent over the Radio

Lesson structure

  • Introduction: Radio & communication
  • micro:bit Activity: Marco Polo & Morse Code
  • Project: Radio
  • Assessment: Rubric
  • Standards: Listed

Lesson plan

  1. Overview: Radio and communications
  2. Activity: Marco Polo and Morse code
  3. Project: Radio project

Targeted CSTA standards