Coordinate grid and LEDs
This lesson introduces the use of coordinates to store data or the results of mathematical operations. It provides practice programming for the LEDs of the micro:bit screen using coordinates, and introduces the basic game blocks of MakeCode.
Lesson objectives
You will…
- Understand that the 5 x 5 grid of LEDs on the micro:bit represents a coordinate grid with the origin (0,0) in the top left corner.
- Understand that the values of the x-coordinates range from 0 through 4 and increase from left to right.
- Understand that the values of the y-coordinates range from 0 through 4 and increase from top to bottom.
- Learn how to refer to an individual LED by its X and Y coordinates.
- Learn how to plot (turn on) and unplot (turn off) individual LEDs and how to toggle between these two states.
- Learn how to check the current on or off status of an individual LED as well as check and set the brightness level.
- Apply the above knowledge and skills to create a unique program that uses coordinates as an integral part of the program.
Lesson structure
- Introduction: Coordinate Grid
- micro:bit Activities: Animation and Patterns
- Project: Screensaver or Game
- Standards: Listed