
This unit introduces the four main components that make up a computer and the concept of input and output as it relates to programming the micro:bit. The coding activity starts with an explanation of pseudocode that leads to working with events and event handlers to program your micro:bit to make faces. The project incorporates all the new learning from this unit as you create your own fidget cube that responds to different inputs.

Lesson objectives

You will…

  • Understand the functions of the four components that make up a computer.
  • Understand that the micro:bit takes input, and after processing the input, produces output.
  • Learn the variety of different types of information the micro:bit takes in as input.
  • Apply this knowledge by creating a micro:bit program that takes input and produces an output.

Lesson plan

  1. Overview: What is a computer and micro:bit hardware
  2. Activity: Happy face, sad face
  3. Project: Fidget cube

Targeted CSTA standards