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tinkertanker/pxt-stepper-motor 0.0.5 GitHub


This extension also requires a driver board of some sort. I use the ULN2003. It works. Find out more about the 28byj-48 and ULN2003 driver here:

Basic Usage

||set motor to motor at in1/in2/in3/in4|| Create a motor and specify the 4 input pins connecting it to the micro:bit.

||move motor 0 steps clockwise|| ||move motor 0 steps anti-clockwise|| Use move motor clockwise or anti-clockwise to rotate the motor. Change the number of steps or rotations as desired.

||motor set delay between steps to 0 ms|| Change the speed of rotation by increasing or decreasing the delay between steps.

Example: Using moving anti-clockwise on button press A and clockwise on button press B

Use this program to get your stepper motor moving! Make sure your stepper motor is connected to pins P0, P1, P2 and P3 in that order.

input.onButtonPressed(Button.A, function () {
    motor.moveAntiClockwise(0.5, stepUnit.Rotations)
input.onButtonPressed(Button.B, function () {
    motor.moveClockwise(0.5, stepUnit.Rotations)

let motor = stepperMotor.createMotor(

Supported targets



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