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MakeCode extension for an I2C LCD 1602 displays.
The MakerBit connects to the BBC micro:bit to provide easy connections to a wide variety of sensors, actuators and other components, for example a LCD display.
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MakerBit | MakerBit+R with motor controller |
This extension supports printing text and numbers on an I2C LCD 1602 (2 x 16 characters) display. Displays with I2C address 39 or 63 will work automatically. Use connectLCD to explicitly connect to a different I2C address.
makerbit.showStringOnLcd1602("MakerBit", makerbit.position1602(LcdPosition1602.Pos1), 9)
Connects to the LCD at a given I2C address. The addresses 39 (PCF8574) or 63 (PCF8574A) seem to be widely used.
Displays a text on a LCD1602 in the given position range. The text will be cropped if it is longer than the provided range. If there is space left, it will be filled with whitespaces.
makerbit.showStringOnLcd1602("Hello world", 1, 16)
Clears the LCD completely on a LCD1602.
Enables or disables the backlight of the LCD.
Returns true if a LCD is connected. False otherwise.
Create a custom LCD character using a 5x8 pixel matrix.
makerbit.lcdMakeCharacter(LcdChar.c1, image)
Returns a 5x8 pixel matrix for use as a custom character.
image = makerbit.lcdCharacterPixels()
Display a custom character at a specified LCD position.
makerbit.lcdShowCharacter1602(LcdChar.c1, 1)
Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE file for more details.